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These options allows you to control how Rspack notifies you of assets and entry points that exceed a specific file limit.


  • Type: false | object

Configure how performance hints are shown. For example if you have an asset that is over 250kb, Rspack will emit a warning notifying you of this.


  • Type: (assetFilename: string) => boolean

This property allows Rspack to control what files are used to calculate performance hints.


Turns hints on/off. In addition, tells Rspack to throw either an error or a warning when hints are found.


  • Type: number
  • Default:250000

An asset is any emitted file from Rspack. This option controls when Rspack emits a performance hint based on individual asset size in bytes.


  • Type: number
  • Default:250000

An entry point represents all assets that would be utilized during initial load time for a specific entry. This option controls when Rspack should emit performance hints based on the maximum entry point size in bytes.